The residence card in Poland confirms the foreigner’s right to stay in the Republic of Poland. And also confirming his identity and allowing multiple border crossings without obtaining a visa.

If you have difficulties obtaining a Residence Card in Warsaw or throughout Poland, please contact us. Because we are experienced professionals who will help you in the application process.

Poland residency permit - MAGFIN

What is a residence card?

This is an indispensable document for foreigners who want to work, study or just stay longer in Poland. This is an official document that confirms the right to legal stay in the country for citizens of certain countries. Unlike a visa issued by a Polish consulate in another country, a residence permit is issued by a competent voivode in Poland.

Below on the website, you can find out the reasons for refusing to issue a residence permit

The residence card proves that its owner has been granted:

  • Temporary residence permit.
  • Permanent residence permit.
  • EU long-term resident’s residence permit.
  • Residence permit for humanitarian reasons.
  • International protection (refugee status granted in Poland or subsidiary protection granted).

All these cases allow foreigners to stay in Poland legally and for longer. Which translates into greater security and stability in everyday life.

What types exist and what requirements must be met to obtain them?

In Poland there are 3 types:

  • temporary RC,
  • permanent RC,
  • EU long-term resident’s RC.

To get a card, you must meet certain requirements. For example, have a sufficient level of income, do not break the law, etc.

What documents do you need and what procedures do you need to go through?

To obtain a RC, you must provide: passport, application, proof of sufficient financial resources, etc. The procedures depend on the type of residence card and the individual circumstances of the applicant. As a rule, with rare exceptions, after providing the necessary documents, the applicant must undergo the procedure of collecting fingerprints. Then the residence card is received.

What are the benefits of a residence card?

The document allows its owner to legally stay in Poland for a period of 6 months to 3 years. It all depends on the type of card. In addition, the cardholder receives the right to work, free education and medical care. In addition, it allows you to visit the Schengen area without an additional visa.

What is the meaning and operation of the residence card?

Gives the holder the opportunity to obtain other documents, such as a driving license or a bank card. Without a RC, the holder may be denied access to many public and commercial services.

The Residence Card is a document that allows its owner to travel around the territories. Up to 90 days in any 180-day period, based on meeting the following requirements:

  • Have valid travel documents.
  • Can demonstrate the purpose and conditions of stay.
  • Have sufficient means of subsistence or the ability to obtain them legally.
  • Do not jeopardize public order and morality. As well as the public health or foreign relations of any Member State. It is important not to be included in national databases as a person for whom there are grounds for refusal of entry.

Obtaining a RC for citizens of some countries may have its own characteristics. That is why we offer an individual approach to each client.

What problems and difficulties may arise during registration and how to solve them? Of course, there may be some problems associated with the lack of necessary documents or insufficient income. However, we offer an individual approach to each client and help to solve these problems.

Features of applying.

Some citizens, especially those from outside the European Union, may require additional documents. For example, Russian citizens are required to have no criminal record. And from the citizens of Ukraine confirmation of a stable financial situation. Additional security checks may also be required. Possible problems may be related to lack of documents, financial instability, a criminal record, or a poorly written application. But don’t worry!
Our experienced specialists will help you collect all the necessary documents. In this case, you will be able to safely go through the entire process of obtaining a residence permit. One of the main problems foreigners face is insufficient knowledge of the Polish language. Lack of understanding of how to correctly fill out the necessary documents. Our specialists with knowledge of Ukrainian, English, Russian and other languages. Also, our consultants are familiar with the registration procedures. They will help you avoid these problems. Facilitate the process of obtaining a residence permit. Do everything faster and without the risk of getting a negative decision, in other words, refusal.

What is the easiest way to obtain a residence card in Poland (for an adult)?

The basics of staying in Poland, which are easy to prove:

  1. Studies, vocational courses or schooling.
  2. Employment on the basis of an employment contract or a contract of mandate.
  3. Establishing a limited liability company or registering a business in Poland.
  4. Marriage with a Polish citizen or a person with the right to stay in Poland.
  5. Possession of the Pole’s Card or Polish ancestors (Polish origin).

If a person from outside Poland has a Pole’s Card (which proves their Polish origin) and wants to move to Poland forever, they can apply for permanent residence in Poland on this basis.

When can the residence card be replaced?

This is only possible if your current document is valid. If the residence permit is about to expire, a new application must be submitted.
The issuance of a new permanent residence card or an EU long-term residence card does not require a re-application. Even if the old card has expired, in this case it is important that the previously issued decision is valid.
For example:
1: A foreigner who has a temporary residence card, which is still valid for two years, changes his place of residence – replacement of the card is possible.
2: Alien’s residence permit destroyed. The decision to issue a temporary residence permit which is valid for another year – you can get a new residence permit.
3: A foreigner who has a temporary residence card valid for another two weeks wants to exchange it for a card valid for the next period. Since it will expire soon and he is still working for the same company, it is not possible to replace the card. He must submit a new application for temporary residence.
4: A foreigner who has a permanent residence card valid for another two weeks wants to exchange it for a card valid for the next period. Because it will expire soon – an exchange is possible because the decision is issued for an indefinite period.

Refusal to issue a residence card

Consider the first problem: refusal to accept documents.

Rejections are the most insidious at this stage, especially when documents are mailed. For example, when a foreigner sends documents in the last days of legal stay. And believes that his legal stay continues until the decision on the card is issued. However, if the administration can find reasons to refuse the application. And the applicant, for example, will find out after the expiration of the visa / visa-free. He will no longer be able to provide the necessary documents. In most cases, the foreigner will be deported.

The most common reasons for refusing to consider a case are related to insufficient documentation. It is worth remembering that regardless of the reason for applying for a residence permit, all necessary documents can be divided into two parts:

  • Documents necessary to initiate the case, ie application, photos, proof of payment and copy of passport. Lack of at least one of the above or failure to complete the application within seven days from the submission of the original application constitute grounds for refusing to initiate the case.
  • Documents confirming the data, here the type of documents depends on the grounds and can be submitted later. However, all the necessary documentation is required, but the office may set more time for its submission. The deadline will be set individually, usually also 7 days, but in some cases more time is offered – even 2-4 weeks.

If the applicant has other reasons for staying in the Republic of Poland the application will not be accepted or the decision will be negative. For example, a return order, a ban on entering Poland or the Schengen Area, on the list of foreigners who are not allowed to stay in the territory of the Republic of Poland, etc.

The refore, the main reasons for

  1. Formalities (missing attachments, failure to complete the deficiencies on time).
  2. Security considerations.
  3. The foreigner must leave Poland.
  4. The foreigner has another residence permit on the territory of the Republic of Poland.

We make it clear right away that the last point is the easiest to consider. You cannot have two residence permits (for different reasons) in Poland. If you have a valid residence card, the second card will not be issued or will not be taken into account in the event of later confirmation of this fact.

1. Formal reasons.

This is perhaps the most common reason why an application is rejected. In most cases, this is due to the insufficient number of documents required to obtain a residence permit and/or late correction of errors.

Common situations include: Failure to answer the summons, failure to deliver documents on time, failure to deliver power of attorney or payment. Staying outside Poland. Failure to provide the necessary information, despite a summons from the office. In such situations, the consideration of the application is terminated.

Formal errors are also:
  • Late provision of biometric data (fingerprints).
  • An application for a permit is submitted when the foreigner is not in Poland. If the case does not allow for such a possibility.
  • The document contains false, inaccurate or misleading information.
  • Specific grounds for stay at the time of application, eg travel visa, D05B visa (seasonal work), short-term special stay (eg summons, certificate), etc.

It should be noted that the obligation to be on the territory of the Republic of Poland when submitting an application applies to all methods, including documents sent by post. Except in rare cases where it is allowed.

2. Security-based.

Firstly, this category includes cases in which foreigners are on the “black” list of the SIS (Schengen Information System). It is impossible to receive a card with this status.

However, other “security” issues may also arise when considering an application.

  • The applicant has been arrested and placed in a closed facility.
  • The applicant has breached the rules of stay in Poland.
  • A ban on leaving the Republic of Poland has been issued (this is a sanction for certain offences).
  • The applicant is serving a sentence.
  • The state of threat to public, national and other security of Poland and/or the European Union is in force.

Some of these factors do not imply forced expulsion. Such as serving a sentence in a place of deprivation of liberty. But in this case a different residence permit is issued to the foreigner, which in turn results in no further residence card being issued.

These are emergency situations, but if there are any irregularities, it is important to know all the details and remove the ban. Otherwise, it may adversely affect the possibility of subsequent trips abroad.

3. Obligation to leave Poland

This applies to persons for whom a decision has been issued to oblige foreigners to return to the territory of the Republic of Poland. Or to prohibit them from entering the territory of the Republic of Poland and other countries of the Schengen area. It can also be punished for certain types of violations. If a foreigner applies for a card with a similar status, the application will not be accepted. If the return obligation is issued during the application processing period, the application will be rejected.

4. Controversial reasons for staying and entering Poland.

There are also very specific but very common grounds for refusal which relate to residence status, grounds for stay in the country and purpose of entry.

For example, tourists or people with certain types of humanitarian visas may not be allowed to stay for a specific purpose. Some applications of this type are also rejected at the formal stage.

Denial should be considered according to the stage of the procedure:

  1. Refusal to initiate the procedure – the application for authorization was not accepted.
  2. Processing of the application has already started and has been suspended.
  3. Negative decision based on the results of checking the case and the documents provided.

Although the stages are different, the reasons for refusal often overlap and depend only on when they are discovered. Therefore, we consider the main reasons. Although the nuances of this or that stage of processing an application for a residence permit are best clarified with an expert from the MAGFIN office.

Summary: How to get a residence card in simple words?

In our company MAGFIN, we make sure that the process of obtaining a residence card is easier and more convenient for our clients. Our experts will help you prepare all the necessary documents. Having a residence permit opens up many new opportunities for you. Such as the possibility of legal stay in the country, the right to work, free education and medical care. Feel free to ask us for help in obtaining a residence card, and we will do everything for you.

Page Service for Foreigners - MAGFIN

Page Temporary Residence and Work Permit - MAGFIN