There are 2 ways, that entitle for getting the citizenship:

  1. Giving a citizenship by the President of Poland.
  2. Recognition for a Polish citizen by the Voivode.

According to the Art. 30, paragraph 1, the Act about Polish citizen of 2th April 2009, a foreigner is recognized as a Polish if at least one of the conditions, indicated below, is satisfied:

1 condition:

  • for at. least 3 years a foreigner has been living in Poland legally and uninterruptedly on the basis of permanent residence permit, residence permit for EU long-term resident or the right of a permanent residence,
  • a foreigner has a stable and regular source of income in Poland,
  • a foreigner has the right to occupy a dwelling,

2 condition:

  • for at least 2 years a foreigner has been residing in Poland legally and uninterruptedly on the basis of permanent residence permit, residence permit for EU long-term resident or the right of a permanent residence,
  • for at least 3 years a foreigner has been married to a Polish citizen or has no citizenship.

3 condition:

  • for at least 2 years a foreigner has been living legally and uninterruptedly in Poland on the basis of a permit, that a foreigner got as a refugee in Poland,

4 condition:

  • a foreigner is under 18 years of age,
  • a foreigner resides legally in Poland, on the basis of permanent residence permit, a residence permit for EU long-term resident or permanent residence permit
  • one of the parents has Polish citizenship,
  • the other parent agreed to recognize the child as a Polish citizen,

5 condition:

  • a foreigner is under 18 years old
  • a foreigner resides legally in Poland on the basis permanent residence permit, residence permit for EU long-term resident or the right of a permanent residence,
  • Polish citizenship is turned to at least one of the parents,
  • the other parent, if he or she does not have Polish citizenship, agreed to recognize the child as a Polish citizen,

6 condition:

  • a foreigner has been living in Poland legally and uninterruptedly,
  • a foreigner has permanent residence permit, residence permit for EU long-term resident or the right of a permanent residence,
  • a foreigner has a stable and regular source of income in Poland as well as legal title to occupy a dwelling,

7 condition:

  • for at least a year a foreigner resides in Poland legally and uninterruptedly,
  • a foreigner has permanent residence permit, obtained in the connection with Polish origin of Pole’s card

Remember, that:

  1. The validity of the passport or travel document as well as residence card may not be less than 3 months at the moment of submitting an application.
  2. The data contained in Polish Act of civil status, residence card as well as in foreign passport must be uniform. Data, appeared in Polish acts of civil status must be uniform.
  3. Submitting an application about recognition as a Polish citizen, you use personal data, that are in Acts of civil status, issued by Polish Registry Office.
  4. Documents, drawn up in foreign language, you should submit with the translation to Polish, prepared or certified by Polish sworn translator or Polish consul. The list of sworn translators is on the website Ministry of Justice.
  5. Detailed information concerning the examinations in Polish language is available on the website
  6. In the course of proceedings the body is entitled to demand you to submit additional documents or information, that is necessary for detailed explanation of the facts.
  7. Submitted document will not be returned.
  8. If you have Pole’s card, in the moment of receipt of the document, confirming obtaining of Polish citizenship, you are obliged to return it. On the day of issuing the document, confirming obtaining of Polish citizenship, Pole’s card becomes invalid under the law.

What fee you should pay?

PLN 219 for the decision on recognition as a Polish citizen,

PLN 17 for the authorization, if  a representative acts in the case, and your representative is not spouse, or siblings. Kinship must be confirmed in documents, attached to an application.

Account number to which you pay the stamp duty:
Center of Taxpayer Service (Centrum Obsługi Podatnika)
Obozowa Street 57, 01-161 Warsaw
21 1030 1508 0000 0005 5000 0070


How long will you wait?

Up to 2 months.


  1. In order to be recognized as a Polish citizen, you must know Polish language at the level B1. You also need confirmation from the Office. At the website you can find all the information on how to obtain such certificate.
  2. The voivode can refuse the recognition as a Polish citizen, if it poses a threat to the defense or security of the state or the security protection and public order.

Page Pole’s Card - MAGFIN

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